Monday 2 December 2013

Christmas Gifts for your Dad!

By Daniel Grosvenor

Christmas is not far off now, with just 22 days left to be able to buy those all important presents!

The hardest person to buy for though, has to be the Dad, the Father, the Daddy!

So what will you be buying your old man this Christmas? I put together a small list of presents that I think any Dad would love to unwrap on Christmas morning, some are practical while others are just a bit of fun! You'll also find some interesting facts to go alongside.

 The Grenadier Firelighter

Here is the clean simple way to light a solid fuel fire or BBQ. No matches, paper, sticks or smelly firelighters. Simply put your logs in the grate, position the Grenadier and switch on. As soon as the fire has ignited remove the safety key and the Grenadier will blow cold air into the fire, acting as bellows.

Did you know:  Firelighters have been evolving for years, some of the earliest patents for firelighting devices date back as early as the late 1800's, we have seen many other innovations in the field since then including the invention of the first lighter by Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner in 1823.

Exploding Clay Pigeon Targets 

Here's the perfect present for the Gun loving Dad!
Designed for Clay pigeon or Air Rifle shooting these will certainly add another dimension to shooting creating an an even more thrilling experience. Definitely a must have 'Boy's Toy'.
The idea of exploding targets has been around for some time though, as shown by this patent that was in granted for a while back in the eighties, by inventor David Taylor.

Self Stirring Mug

Whether your Dad is lazy, a little geeky or just drinks far to much tea or coffee this product is perfect!
Strangely hypnotic to watch, your drink stirs itself, giving you time to grab some tasty treats to accompany your drink of choice. Not just a gimmick, the Self Stir Mug will stir any liquid from, tea to soup.
Simply press the thumb-friendly button at the top of the handle and watch as the battery-powered mug does all the stirring for you. 

The inventor of the stirring mug seems to be unknown, but there are patents dating back as far as 1993!

Bosch Surface Laser

Whether it's in the garden or laying new laminate, every Dad should have a laser level!
The Surface Laser can scan the entire floor within minutes instead of spot checks. Offering high accuracy for detecting uneven spots and with a remote control to enable the user to be close to the spot rather that the tool. If your Dad is a DIY fanatic then this is the one for him!

Did you know: Bosch have over 100 patents alone for products that assist in levelling with lasers!

Innovate love to see new products come to market and love even more helping inventors to bring their products to life. Assisting from initial idea submission, through patent and design protection, product design and patent application we have seen many products in the past make it to market!

So if you have any ideas for new products, in any sector, then let us know here via our info pack!

By Daniel Grosvenor

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